Backend Hosting at Configure.IT – Configure.IT Blog

When you are exploring different options for a complete solution for Mobile Development Platform, what exactly you look for?:

  • Allowed development for different platforms i.e. iOS or Android or Tablets
  • No Coding or the least coding
  • A complete package with design, development (Front end and Back end) Hosting and Deployment
  • Integration of Custom Code
  • Flexible to connect with other outside sources through API
  • 100% Source code rights with IPA

CIT Blog (3)

Configure.IT, is one of the best option available in the IT Market for your proposed app with all the listed above features to attract and retain users.  Shading light to the past, we started with few features of front-end and backend only, which has now widened its scope and endless features have been added continuously during the lifespan of Configure.IT till now. We at Configure.IT, pay attention to customer requests and suggestions and to cater public demand, we came up with the most demanding part of Configure.IT before almost 10 months – Hosting.

We wanted our users to enjoy the liberty to host their application on their own cloud server but many of our clients asked our customer support to add Hosting as a part of the package at Configure.IT.  With the announcement of Hosting service, users can now host their database, backend or API at our server.

Hosting is part of our each subscription plan so the user doesn’t need to pay anything extra! With Cloud Hosting, Configure.IT supports you deliver a complete suite of the platform that covers the entire development lifecycle. You don’t need to knock anywhere for an extra feature.

With just 1 click, Configure.IT will deploy the entire backend with Database, API and data panel immediately without any hassle.  This helps the user to reduce the infrastructure cost allowing you to use behind-the-scenes technology that drives your app day and night. Hosting on Configure.IT enables the user to focus on developing and expanding the app to grow and make more business, leaving all stress of server management and hosting to us.

Hosting requires specialized, skilled and sophisticated support to keep them running and secure. We have dedicated resources to maintain servers with non-interrupted 24 X 7 connectivity and be assured as the maintenance resources have their core competency lies particularly in this task only.

Subscribing hosting service allows the user to manage Admin Panel /Back End from the hosted server and host all static contents like HTML, JavaScript and CSS etc from the same place. Hosting will provide the user with a shared server space where the user can run his App without disturbance of scaling and downtime.

Which are the steps to add a hosting service for your Mobile App at Configure.IT?

  •         Click on “Remote Servers” which will get redirected on Remote Server Management Page
  •         Among all the list of available servers for hosting, choose the option to “Add CIT Hosting”
  •         Choose your own personalized subdomain name and customized Hosting URL like
  •         Click on “Deploy Now” button.
  •         That’s it! You are done.


Keeping hosting at Configure.IT will give you benefits of high-speed internet connectivity, access to segmented and experienced staff to monitor and respond to your queries and a personalized space with subdomain name.

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