APK Mirror Download: A Reliable Source for Android Apps.

APK Mirror Download: A Reliable Source for Android Apps. When it comes to obtaining Android apps, the Google Play Store is the most popular choice for many users. However, there are times when you might need to explore alternative sources. APK Mirror is a well-known platform that provides a reliable and trusted repository for APK … Read more

API/SDK Carrier Integration

API/SDK Carrier Integration API/SDK carrier integration is a process that businesses can use to improve their operations and customer experience. This process involves integrating application programming interfaces (APIs) and software development kits (SDKs) from carriers into a business’s existing systems. By integrating these APIs and SDKs, businesses can offer their customers carrier services directly from … Read more

APK Distribution Platforms- And Benefits They Offer.

APK Distribution Platforms- And Benefits They Offer. APK distribution platforms are online services that enable developers to distribute their Android applications to a wider audience. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at APK distribution platforms and the benefits they offer to developers and users. One of the main benefits of using an APK … Read more

What Is APK Compatibility Testing?

As a PhD holder in computer science, I am excited to share my knowledge on APK compatibility testing with you. APK compatibility testing is a crucial aspect of the Android application development process. It involves testing an application to ensure that it runs smoothly on different devices, operating systems, and versions of Android. In this … Read more

What Are APK Carrier Solutions?

As a PhD holder in computer science, I am excited to share my knowledge on APK carrier solutions with you. APK carrier solutions are a crucial aspect of the Android application development process. These solutions help developers distribute their applications to users in a secure and efficient manner. In this blog post, we will discuss … Read more

APK Signing and Verification: What You Need To Know

APK Signing and Verification: What You Need To Know Android Application Package (APK) files are the primary format used for distributing and installing applications on Android devices. The code, assets, and resources needed to create an Android app are all included in the APK file. It’s critical to make sure that APK files are authentic … Read more

5 Best Tools to Develop Augmented Reality Mobile Apps

Augmented Reality is a technology that superimposes digital or computer-generated objects in real-world environments.  People are familiar with Augmented Reality games and apps such as Snapchat and Pokémon Go but AR is something bigger than that. This technology is now being applied to several industries including entertainment, healthcare, education, architecture and many more. In the … Read more

Create 3D models for AR/VR Apps

3D models and animations have played a great role in augmented reality app development. If you are thinking of an AR/VR project you will need to create 3D models. Now, the question arises of how one can turn any physical object into a photo-realistic 3D model that will look like a real object. Let’s see … Read more

Apple’s SwiftUI | Apple’s New Framework

At WorldWide Developer Conference Apple has announced SwiftUI which is a framework that will go with its open source programming languages for platforms like iOS, watchOS, macOS, tvOS, Linux, etc. Also, this advancement will create a new experience of development in Xcode 11. As per Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of software engineering, “SwiftUI … Read more