Common Reasons for rejecting iOS mobile apps by Apple

With the ever-increasing use of mobile apps, everyone is attracted to make an app and publish it online on App store. However, before you put in your efforts to develop an iOS application, one should know that all the applications submitted to the app store undergo a strict review process.

Store rejection

Store rejection

Reading and keeping the guidelines provided by Apple in mind, while developing the mobile Apps will save ample time for developers and other team members as well as reviewers. Apple is very selective about the apps and has a well-established process to review each app submitted to their store. It recommends going through the review process once.

Most common reasons causing rejection of the applications submitted to App store are highlighted below:

  •         Insufficient Information

The highest rejection from Apple is because of incomplete or defective information. You are advised to fill in all the required information, provide an elaborated list of features of the app along with any procedure needed to run it.

Provide each and every information required to review the information, for example, if some features like my account, my orders require signing in, provide valid demo username and password. A Demo video of the app can also suffice the purpose.

  •         Crashes and Bugs

Apple does not expect any crashes or bugs while reviewing the app to submit the app only when it’s thoroughly tested on all the devices and all the bugs are fixed. Any buggy application will hamper the review process and will, in turn, attract rejection. So instead of re-submitting after re-testing, better to invest time beforehand.

  •         Personal Privacy of Users

When it comes to user’s privacy, Apple considers it the most important factor. If your app is going to use, user’s private data from his device then you are required to inform client through Privacy Policy and take the consent. In any case, violation of privacy policy will be a reason for rejection of your app.

  •         Breaking Apple guidelines

Apple has published clear guidelines for designing the app, the content of the app as well as reviewing, therefore, the user needs to adhere them and violating them will certainly invite the rejection. Though some rules are merely common sense, others are worth reading as they fall into technical or designing department.

  •         No repetition

All the Apps developed for iTunes app store must abide by all the terms and conditions specified in the Apple trademarks and copyrights guidelines and Apple trademark list.

If you are planning to gain the benefit by making a replica of the most popular app or remodeling latest app, be aware and stay away. Only unique ideas are expected and accepted.

  •         Advertisements

Clearly, state if your app uses Advertisements or not. If yes, use Advertising Identifier (IDFA) to serve advertisement and test it on iOS devices thoroughly. If no, it must not display any advertise otherwise it will be surely rejected and marked as invalid.

  •         User Interface

Apple has set a high standard for user interface by requiring it to keep it simple, refined and readily accessible. Make sure to make your navigation as clear as it can be and features as intuitive as they look. Your UI must meet the requirements stated by Apple by planning your design carefully and following their design guides and UI Design Dos and Don’ts.


The panel sitting at Apple is quite sensible to check everything before rejecting/accepting your App. They strictly follow the guidelines and do not compromise on quality.

There could be more reasons over and above the ones we stated above for the rejection of the iOS app, however, the main focus is centered on the usability of the app as well as the uniqueness of the content.

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